Rocket-knife made by a Backyard Youtuber Scientist Strikes the Target at 400 mph

Few people can claim that the American military stole their innovation, but YouTuber the Backyard Scientist does so.

He asserts that the military took his idea to create a much larger replica after stealing his invention of a rocket with several knives five years prior.

He decided to build a scaled-down version of his rocket design to demonstrate this point. He fills a long tube with rocket fuel and tests it in the open to see how far and quickly it can travel.

The model carves a deep hole in a tree while traveling at speeds of more than 300 mph. He purchases some kitchen knives and fastens them to his rocket as the next step in his experiment.

How effective is the new rocket with a knife? What kind of harm can it do, and how quickly does it move? What are its primary objectives, and just how harmful is it?

This video provides all the necessary answers and demonstrates how to build a DIY rocket that can wield a knife, though we do not advise trying this at home.

The Guy Built his Rocket 

To demonstrate that the Earth is flat, Mad Mike Hughes constructed a scrap metal rocket in 2017. He then launched it in the Mojave Desert. The story gained international attention due to both its absurdity and the noteworthy accomplishment it represented. It proved that anyone, not just a rocket scientist or a multibillionaire, could construct a rocket.

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As first reported by Futurism, the news that a group of 50 volunteers at Copenhagen Suborbitals were building a rocket to send into space attracted a lot of attention. If the brave crew of aspirational volunteers successfully launches their rocket into orbit, it will be a significant turning point for humanity.

A Self-taught Rocketeer

Home-made by a Backyard Scientist

Copenhagen Suborbitals is a Danish association of amateur rocketeers. They want to use a homemade rocket and very little money to put a person into low earth orbit. They are the only operated amateur space program in the world, and since 2011, they have launched five rockets.

Beware, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, and Elon Musk! You face stiff competition in this area. One of those volunteers is a pricing manager named Mads Stenfatt, who told Futurism that he likes the challenge that rocket building presents. Stenfatt stated, “We do it because it’s complicated. Once you’re involved, you understand that the enjoyable part is not achieving the goal. Working on challenges that are so absurdly difficult all the time is the fun part.

The Impact of Spica on History

Stenfatt and his tenacious colleagues are now developing a spacecraft named “Spica”. They are hoping Spica will be the first amateur spacecraft to make a crewed suborbital trip, which would be a significant accomplishment for all of humanity if everything goes as planned—and a lot might go wrong.

How much time will this project require? The volunteers predict that it will be at least another 10 years before Spica enters orbit and alters the course of history forever, given the makers’ meager budget and the numerous challenging obstacles caused by the COVID pandemic.

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Suppose this committed group of volunteers succeeds in their unique mission. In that case, they will serve as living examples of how the human spirit can fly to new heights with the appropriate inspiration. We wish them luck and will keep a careful eye on this endeavor.

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