A Company Has Opened a Door For Humanity to Escape the Solar System With Nuclear Fusion Rockets.

Humanity might be near the future where we can escape the solar system by using nuclear fission rockets. And we get to see what’s beyond the outer solar system with our own naked eyes.

A company Name Pulsar Fusion from the UK recently discovered a way to harness nuclear fission energy to use in rockets, the rockets packed with nuclear energy can hypothetical escape our solar system, and we can finally get out of the solar system in our lifetime, which has been made possible by this company name pulsar fusion.

Source: Pulsar Fusion

A press release sent to IE via email shows that the UK Space Agency has given money to the rocket company Pulsar Fusion to help it make “integrated nuclear fission-based power systems for electric propulsion.”

Pulsar Fusion will work with the Universities of Cambridge and Southampton and the Nuclear AMRC to make their dream of green rocket technology come true. This will be done through fusion propulsion.

The way of Nuclear Fusion by Pulsar fusion

The company’s primary goal is to eventually harness the nuclear fusion method to build hyper-speed rocket technology that can help humanity in different ways. The Sun and the Stars used nuclear fusion to generate this enormous amount of energy over millennia.

Source: Pulsar Fusion

Pulsar Fusion says in its press release, “Nuclear fusion may be the answer to the energy crisis, but it is also the answer to managing satellites in space and going to deep space.” Pulsar thinks that fusion propulsion is the only way for people to leave the solar system in their lifetime.

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Scientists worldwide are trying to use nuclear fusion to make energy on Earth, but they aren’t quite there yet. Before Pulsar Fusion can reach its ultimate goal, it may have to wait for that technology to improve. However, it may also help move the search for commercially viable nuclear fusion technologies forward.

They also manufacture many types of rocket engines. This involves testing the largest and most powerful electric spaceship engine in Europe in 2021 as part of a government-funded project at the University of Southampton. This further states the company’s thoughts toward space and knows how vital space research is for us. 

Process of building Nuclear fusion rockets

Pulsar Fusion’s green hybrid rocket engine burns nitrous oxide (N2O), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and oxygen. A control valve allows oxidized liquid to pass through and into a combustion chamber at a predetermined pressure.

In November 2021, the company tested its engine at the Cranfield Ordnance Test and Evaluation Centre (COTEC), a military base run by the UK Ministry of Defence in Salisbury, Wiltshire. All of the tests were successful. It had previously completed a successful international demonstration for space clients in Switzerland. Also suitable for space enthusiasts.

Source: Pulsar Fusion

“Pulsar has constructed and tested the most powerful electric propulsion engines in Europe,” said Dr. James Lambert, Head of Operations at Pulsar. Pulsar is a corporation that can create electric propulsion for rockets.

“Combining this component of our propulsion portfolio with nuclear fission reactor technology is an excellent fit for our company, and I’m delighted the UKSA has recognized this. The effort will help us create partnerships and gather critical information that will help us achieve our long-term goals for nuclear fusion propulsion.” According to Pulsar Fusion

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The UK government gave Pulsar Fusion funding in September of last year to assist build its Mach-7 Hall Effect Thruster, or HET, plasma satellite engines, which can throw out particles at speeds of up to 20 kilometers per second. The business intends to test its engine in space, but no exact date has been set.

Source: Pulsar Fusion

The UK rocket business has stated that it plans to create a nuclear fusion rocket prototype by 2025. According to the company’s most recent press release, it can create the “fusion-based infrastructure and propulsion systems” required to manufacture nuclear fusion rockets “in less than four years.”

If it does, such technology might be used on Earth as well. This would alter how we move through space and generate energy on Earth. This will considerably advance our civilization, which will, in turn, progress our technology. If we can generate energy using the nuclear fusion technique, we can leave the solar system during our lifetime.

Source: Pulsar Fusion

As lead researcher John Slough said, “It is practically hard for humans to go much beyond Earth with current rocket fuels,” I agree with this statement. He said we couldn’t travel to space with our current technology. That’s why research like this gives us hope that nuclear fusion might be the answer we have been looking for and that nuclear fusion is the technology that can help humanity travel deep into space.

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