An Electric Body Suit Enables Someone With Multiple Sclerosis and Cerebral Palsy to Walk

People with multiple sclerosis, strokes, and cerebral palsy have experienced astonishing improvements thanks to a particular body suit. The Mollii Suit stimulates muscles electrically, which can lessen pain and facilitate movement.

Your ability to manage the symptoms of spasticity, a crippling movement issue that affects persons with cerebral palsy (CP), multiple sclerosis (MS), stroke, and other neurological illnesses, is made possible by the Exopulse Mollii Suit, which you may activate with the press of a button.

The most prevalent type of cerebral palsy, affecting between 70 and 80 percent of all children, is spastic. Exaggerated reflexes and stiff, aching muscles are the results of it. Most kids with this type of CP will have difficulty walking. These symptoms might include ongoing muscular spasms, joint contractures, and restricted flexibility.

This is How Louisa can Walk

One hour every other day is all that the Mollii suit is intended to be worn for. It offers a quick, convenient solution to regain mobility and reduce pain brought on by spasticity. That hour is crucial to users like Louisa, Max, and David because it transforms their day. The Suit has 58 electrodes gently stimulating 40 important muscle groups with electricity. It utilises neurostimulation to relax spastic muscles.

Many electrodes inside the Suit are activated when the Suit is turned on to stimulate muscles that the brain cannot. According to a chiropractor and Exopulse Mollii Suit creator Fredrick Lundqvist, some muscles are beyond the control of the brain owing to brain damage, and the Suit replaces the signal that the brain is unable to provide.

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According to Ottobock, the Suit is intended to be worn for an hour every other day. It offers a convenient, on-demand solution to regain mobility and ease pain associated with spasticity.

A Simple Method to Regain Mobility

Not by herself, Louisa. After wearing the Exopulse Mollii Suit, 12-year-old Moya-May Kelly of Dublin, who has cerebral palsy, was able to walk up the aisle for her Confirmation at church.

“It has helped me grow more self-assured. Walking has simply made it possible for me to be more independent. I could accomplish some things before I had it, but not as much as I can now. For me, it’s crucial to be able to obtain things and carry out actions in the same way as everyone else “In May 2022, she spoke with Newstalk reporter Josh Crosbie.

The Exopulse jacket and pants are constructed of synthetic materials that are breathable, machine-washable, and contain no animal fibers or products. The creator claims they don’t have any significant adverse effects.

The Suit allows the user to control their spasticity symptoms by giving them control over a button that makes them feel in control. The reaction that the Suit produces, which can assist in alleviating muscle tension, allows wearers to move more freely and securely.

According to Dr. Mark Jeffery, Practice Principal at Surfers Health Medical Centre, “the majority of patients experience an immediate, favorable outcome.” “However, there isn’t just one miraculous treatment for this.

These patients must continue this therapy if they demonstrate improvement. However, given that the brain is plastic, it makes sense to assume that as the condition worsens, new neural pathways are developing that are advantageous to the patient’s condition and allow them to use their device less and less.”

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Mollii Suit already has National Disability Insurance Scheme Approval

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has already approved funding for the Mollii Suit, although it is still fairly new on the Australian market. This funding will help with both renting and buying the Suit.

The Suit is available for purchase for $15 000 AUD, comes with a 12-month warranty, or can be rented for AUD 1500 per month. If a person decides to buy a suit after renting it once, 50% of their rental costs will be subtracted from the cost of the Suit. Alternatively, Suit ownership passes to the renter after 12 months of rental.

Dr. Mark Jeffery, the practice principal of Surfers Health Medical Centre, is a physician with more than 30 years of experience enabling the Mollii Suit in his surgery for patients with fibromyalgia and spasticity.

He informed me that “most people obtain an immediate, good outcome.” But there isn’t simply one miracle treatment for this. These patients must continue this therapy if they demonstrate improvement. However, given that the brain is malleable, it makes sense to assume that as the illness worsens, new neural connections emerge that are advantageous to the patient’s condition.

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